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of the Year | Contact
Online Sigma
Beta Sigma Phi's
eighth online chapter
President Camile Dionne-West
Vice President Sheila Brown
Recording Secretary Natalie
Corresponding Secretary & Sunshine
Ann Stone
Executive Officers Email Exec
Program & Social Natalie Legg
Service Ann Stone
Tellers Natalie Legg, Sheila Brown
Camile Special Sisters Stella Oakman
Mailing List
Sheila Brown
Webmaster & Scrapbook
Sheila Brown
Nominating Committee Chris Mesko-Holzer,
Sheila Brown
AnnaBear / Elephant Keeper Next Reunion HostTop
Chapter Members:
Amanda Burrow
Ann Stone
Camile Dionne-West
Chris Mesko-Holzer
Christine (Chris) Gridley
Diane Wood
Dora Mobley
Elinor Skelton
Emily Harter
Ev Cruze
Ginger Kieffer
Jacque Dobson
Judy Tompkins
K Poletti
Kathy Harker
Kathy Hook
Laura DeGroot
Lee Lillard
Lois Chudzinski
Margaret Clark-Mayfield
Michelle Oxrider
Mollie Simpson
Natalie Legg
Sarah Dunn
Sharon Long
Sheila Currie (Alder) Brown
Stella Oakman
Terry Kerr
Theresa Stites
Trudy Craig
Former Members:
Amanda Jenkins
Amy Read
Anne Horan
Annette Decker
April Tomblinson
Aubrey Sejuit
AySes Dunya
Barb Schickedanz
Betty Brown
BJ Burkett
Cathy Newell
Charline Cormier
Christine Slominski
Deanna Monger
Deb Wilson
Debbie Craig-Archer
Dee Maldonado
Dolores Fritz
Diane Lamb
Eleanor Waite
Flos Metzel
Gail Blackburn
Griselle M. Jimenez
Jacki Woods
Jan Cannon
Jan Washburn
Janice Varga
Joe Kennedy
Judi Werner
Karen Pieniak
Kathleen Morris
Larri Schmidt
Linda Driscoll
Lisa Perfetti
Lorraine Herron
Louise Miskew
Marge Siedlicke
Marian Bostwick
Marion Herndon
Marty O'Reilly
Mary Ann Dore
Maureen Urquhart
Midge Dailey
Mitch Mueller-Neuhaus
Paula Treon
PJ Monteil
Raigh Kinsler
Rochelle Kornegay
Ros Reycroft
Ruby Lucas
Ruth Greene
Sam Auld
Sandy Shein
Sharon Dracup
Shauna Kester
Sheila Wilkinson
Sunny Zengler
Tana Bonds
Terri Wolf
Tina Kerschen
Tina Murray
Vicki Smith
Wendy Seitz
Previous Years
2023 Officers and Committees
2022 Officers and Committees
2021 Officers and Committees
2020 Officers and Committees
2019 Officers and Committees
2018 Officers and Committees
2017 Officers and Committees
2016 Officers and Committees
2015 Officers and
2014 Officers and
2013 Officers and Committees
2012 Officers and Committees
2011 Officers and Committees
2010 Officers and Committees
2009 Officers and Committees
2008 Officers and Committees
2007 Officers and Committees
2006 Officers and Committees
2005 Officers and Committees
2004 Officers and Committees
2003 Officers and Committees
2002 Officers and Committees
2001 Officers and Committees
2000 Officers and Committees
1999 Officers and Committees
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Bylaws | Standing Rules | Women
of the Year | Contact Top
S.C. Brown